● 订购及使用润滑油前应参考供应有关资料,各种润滑油性能与应用。
Before ordering and use of lubricants should refer to the supply of relevant information, all kinds of lubricating oil properties and application ● 再根据自己机器及机械的需要选择适当之润滑油。
Then according to their own machines and machines need to choose the appropriate lubricant ● 根据各机器、机械、润滑油效能作适当的补给及更换。减少不良效果。
Of the various machines, machinery, lubricating oil performance and make appropriate supplies and replacement. Reduce the adverse effects ● 油性、水溶性之抽油器应分别放开,以免两种油混杂导致变质、变色、损坏。
Oily, water-soluble oil-pumping device should be split between the opening in order to avoid mixing two kinds of oil led to deterioration, discoloration, damage ● 油桶盖应盖好,防止不小心被水、杂物混入油中影响油品,导致损坏机器。
Oil drum cap should be covered to prevent accidental water, debris mixed with the oil affecting the oil, resulting in damage to the machine
● 所有油品应放置在防水、避阳、洁净通风的地方、防止油品变色变质。
All oils should be placed in water, avoid yang, clean and well ventilated place to prevent the deterioration of oil discoloration ● 废油应用油桶装放与新油分开摆放、防止新废油混杂导致损坏油品及机器。
Application of oil drums and put in new oil kept separate to prevent new oil mixed result in damage to oil and machinery ● 弃置废油、空油桶要按照国家指定收集中心弃置。
Disposal of used oil, empty oil drums to be disposed of according to state designated collection centers